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Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

Bursa Eropa Akhir Pekan Mixed | KONTAK PERKASA FUTURES

Written By Kontak Perkasa Futures on Monday, October 31, 2016 | 9:41 AM

KONTAK PERKASA FUTURES - Bursa Eropa Akhir Pekan Mixed; Hasil Mingguan IBEX 35 Naik 1 %

KONTAK PERKASA FUTURES YOGYAKARTA - Diperkirakan bursa Eropa akan bergerak positif jika data ekonomi terealisir positif, juga akan mencermati pergerakan harga minyak mentah dan bursa Wall Street.

Pasar Eropa ditutup mixed pada akhir perdagangan akhir pekan Jumat malam (28/10) di tengah harapan yang meningkat bahwa Amerika Serikat Federal Reserve akan menaikkan suku bunga dalam waktu dekat.

Indeks CAC berakhir pada 4.548,58, naik 15,01 poin atau 0,33 %. Secara mingguan bukukan hasil positif 0,28 %.

Indeks DAX berakhir pada 10.696,19, turun -20,89 poin atau -0,19 %. Secara mingguan turun -0,14 %.

Indeks FTSE berakhir pada 6.996,26, naik 9.69 poin atau 0,14 %. Secara mingguan masih turun -0,55 %.

Indeks IBEX 35 berakhir pada 9.201,30, naik 4.10 poin atau 0,04 %. Secara mingguan naik 1,11 %.

Indeks Pan-Eropa STOXX 600 dari posisi terendah sesi, ditutup turun 0,32 %

Produk domestik bruto (PDB) Amerika Serikat meningkat pada tingkat tahunan 2,9 %, laju tercepat dalam dua tahun. Selain itu, penguatan penjualan rumah Amerika Serikat pada hari Rabu, yang menunjukkan kenaikan mengejutkan pada bulan September, bersama dengan angka positif lainnya di awal bulan, telah memberikan sentimen bagi investor untuk kenaikan suku bunga Fed di Amerika Serikat.

Data produk domestik bruto positif dari U.K. Rabu juga menyebabkan penurunan di obligasi pemerintah Inggris, yang disaring melalui obligasi global lainnya, yang menyebabkan meningkatnya yield. Prospek ekonomi yang positif sering membuat tawaran safe haven untuk obligasi kurang menarik.

Bank fokus dengan sejumlah kreditur Eropa melaporkan. Bank Swiss UBS telah membukukan 60 persen kemerosotan tahun-ke-tahun pada laba bersih kuartal ketiga, mengatakan ekonomi makro, geopolitik dan pasar tantangan membebani kinerja. saham UBS yang 2,37 % lebih tinggi.

Sementara itu, bank Perancis BNP Paribas pulih dari hari di wilayah negatif setelah melaporkan lebih baik dari perkiraan laba bersih dan pendapatan pada kuartal ketiga tahun ini untuk mengakhiri hari 0,64 % lebih tinggi.

Saham Inggris Royal Bank of Scotland berakhir hari 1,2 % lebih rendah setelah melaporkan kerugian kuartal ketiga dari £ 469.000.000 ($ 570.700.000).

Di tempat lain, Anheuser Busch InBev melaporkan penurunan volume pada kuartal ketiga, sementara profit inti jatuh pada pasar Brasil yang lemah. Pembuat Budweiser menurunkan prospek untuk setahun penuh mengirimkan saham jatuh untuk menutup 4,3 % ke bawah.

Novo Nordisk dipaksa untuk memangkas penjualan setahun penuh dan proyeksi laba operasi karena kelemahan di Amerika Serikat setelah melaporkan laba operasi yang jatuh 3 % dalam sembilan bulan pertama tahun ini, dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun lalu. Berita itu mengirim saham turun sebanyak 19 % sebelum pengupas beberapa dari mereka kerugian untuk mengakhiri hari 14,97 % turun.

Produsen obat Perancis Sanofi ditutup 3,73 % lebih tinggi setelah membukukan laba mencapai perkiraan dan mengangkat prospek untuk tahun ini.

Total melaporkan lebih baik dari perkiraan berkat kuartal ketiga laba bersih untuk kenaikan produksi dan penghematan biaya, Perusahaan minyak dan gas utama ini menyatakan, namun saham berakhir hari di wilayah negatif, turun 0,37 %.

Malam nanti akan dirilis data pertumbuhan ekonomi Q3 zona Eropa yang diindikasikan stabil, dan data inflasi yang diindikasikan naik tipis.


Sumber : Vibiznews
Written by: Kontak Perkasa Futures
PT.Kontak Perkasa Futures, Updated at: 9:41 AM

Saham Asia Ditutup Naik Untuk Minggu Keempat; Indeks China Tergelincir

Written By Kontak Perkasa Futures on Monday, April 27, 2015 | 8:38 AM

kpf yogyakarta
KPF JOGJA - Saham Asia menguat, dengan indeks acuan regional menuju kenaikan mingguan keempat, Perusahaan energi dan bahan material naik. Ekuitas China turun karena regulator meningkatkan laju penawaran umum perdana.

BHP Billiton Ltd naik 3,2% di Sydney karena harga bijih besi melonjak setelah penambang yang memangkas rencana peningkatan produksinya. Minyak explorer Inpex Corp naik 1,3% di Tokyo seiring minyak mentah menuju kenaikan enam minggu. TDK Corp, produsen elektronik yang mendapat penjualan di luar negeri, turun 2,2% karena yen menguat terkait data AS yang mengecewakan. Citic Securities Co kehilangan 3,9% di Shanghai ditengah kekhawatiran penjualan saham baru akan mengalihkan dana dari saham yang ada.

Indeks MSCI Asia Pacific naik 0,4% menjadi 155,87 pada 16:06 sore di Hong Kong untuk melanjutkan level teertinggi tujuh tahun. Indeks tersebut menuju untuk kenaikan 1,4% pekan ini dan merupakan kenaikan mingguan jangka terpanjang sejak Februari. Indeks Taiex Taiwan naik 1,2%, ditutup pada level tertinggi sejak April 2000.(yds)
Sumber: Bloomberg

pt.kontakperkasa futures yogyakarta
Written by: Kontak Perkasa Futures
PT.Kontak Perkasa Futures, Updated at: 8:38 AM

Reli Minyak Terhenti Pasca Persediaan Minyak Mentah AS Terlihat Menguat

Written By Kontak Perkasa Futures on Tuesday, April 21, 2015 | 9:03 AM

pt. kpf jogja
PT. KPF Jogja - Minyak menghentikan kenaikannya di atas $ 57 per barel sebelum perkiraan data dari pemerintah AS menunjukkan stok minyak mentah diperluas lebih lanjut dari rekor.

Minyak berjangka untuk bulan Juni sedikit berubah di New York setelah naik 1% pada hari Senin kemarin. Persediaan minyak mentah kemungkinan naik 2,5 juta barel pada pekan lalu, menurut survei Bloomberg sebelum rilis laporan dari Energy Information Administration (EIA), Rabu besok. Kembalinya diembargo minyak Iran di pasar dunia tampaknya tidak mendekati, menurut BNP Paribas SA dan UBS Group AG.

Minyak telah mengalami reli 30% dari level terendah enam tahun pada bulan Maret terkait tanda-tanda pelemahan rig pengeboran AS memacu perlambatan produksi yang dapat meredakan berlimpahnya pasokan minyak global. Kenaikan harga masih bisa goyah dengan membengkaknya cadangan minyak AS ke level tertinggi dalam 85 tahun terakhir.

West Texas Intermediate untuk pengiriman bulan Juni berada di level $ 57,63 per barel di perdagangan elektronik New York Mercantile Exchange, turun 25 sen, pada pukul 10:49 pagi waktu Sydney. Kontrak untuk bulan Mei, yang berakhir pada hari Selasa, 24 sen lebih rendah dan berada di level $ 56,14. Total volume sekitar 88% di bawah rata-rata 100-hari. Harga menguat 5,4% dalam tahun ini.

Brent untuk pengiriman bulan Juni turun 15 sen ke level $ 63,30 per barel di bursa ICE Futures Europe exchange. Dan ditutup tidak berubah di level $ 63,45 pada hari Senin. Minyak mentah acuan Eropa diperdagangkan $ 5,67 lebih besar dari WTI untuk bulan yang sama.

Stok minyak mentah di Amerika Serikat, konsumen minyak terbesar dunia, naik menjadi 483.7 juta barel sampai tanggal 10 April, level tertinggi dalam data mingguan EIA yang dimulai pada bulan Agustus 1982. Catatan bulanan yang disusun oleh kelompok statistik Departemen Energi sejak tahun 1920 menunjukkan persediaan belum pernah setinggi ini sejak tahun 1930.(frk)

Sumber: Bloomberg
pt. kontak perkasa futures yogyakarta
Written by: Kontak Perkasa Futures
PT.Kontak Perkasa Futures, Updated at: 9:03 AM

Gold Extends Biggest Decline In Week As Stocks To Dollar Rally

pt. kpf jogja
PT. KPF - Gold extended losses from the biggest drop in a week as a rally in equities and the U.S. dollar curbed demand for an alternative asset.

Bullion for immediate delivery fell as much as 0.3 percent to $1,192.29 an ounce before trading at $1,193.99 by 9:05 a.m. in Singapore, according to Bloomberg generic pricing. The price fell 0.7 percent to $1,195.89 on Monday, the most since April 13. Gold in Shanghai declined the most in a week.

U.S. stocks rebounded on Monday from the biggest drop in three weeks and European shares advanced after China’s central bank cut lenders’ reserve requirements by the most since the global financial crisis. The U.S. dollar rose for the first time in a week against a basket of 10 currencies. The People’s Bank of China may have tripled holdings of gold since it last updated them in April 2009, Bloomberg Intelligence estimates.

The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index climbed 0.9 percent after dropping 1.1 percent on April 17, the most since March 25. The Stoxx Europe 600 Index added 0.8 percent. The Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index was little changed after rising 0.5 percent Monday.

Gold for June delivery was at $1,194.50 an ounce on the Comex from $1,193.70 on Monday.

Source: Bloomberg

pt. kontak perkasa futures yogyakarta
Written by: Kontak Perkasa Futures
PT.Kontak Perkasa Futures, Updated at: 9:00 AM

Indeks Topix Menguat Setelah Pelemahan Yen Meningkatkan Outlook Pendapatan Ekspor

PT. KPF Jogja - Saham-saham Jepang dibuka menguat, mengikuti penguatan dalam ekuitas AS, setelah yen melemah untuk pertama kalinya dalam lebih dari seminggu, meningkatkan prospek pendapatan ekspor.

Indeks Topix menguat 0,4% ke level 1,588.50 pada pukul 09:02 pagi di Tokyo, setelah semua menguat kecuali dua dari 33 kelompok industri. Indeks tersebut menuju kenaikan pertama dalam tiga hari terakhir. Sementara indeks Nikkei 225 Stock Average naik 0,4% ke level 19,710.08. Yen diperdagangkan di level 119,27 per dolar setelah kemarin melemah 0,2%, penurunan pertama dalam tujuh sesi perdagangan. Bursa saham AS naik setelah penguatan dalam pendapatan dari perusahaan teknologi, termasuk IBM Corp., didukung prospek untuk musim pendapatan pada kuartal ini.

Saham IBM melonjak 3,4% dan mempertahankkan gain dalam perdagangan after-hours setelah laporan pendapatan yang mengalahkan perkiraan. Saham dari Apple Inc. dan Microsoft Corp. melonjak setelah perusahaan teknologi dalam indeks Standard & Poor 500 mengalami rebound dari aksi jual.

E-mini futures dalam indeks S&P 500 naik 0,1% setelah indeks yang mendasari menguat 0,9% pada hari Senin kemarin di New York.(frk)
Sumber: Bloomberg

pt. kontak perkasa futures yogyakarta
Written by: Kontak Perkasa Futures
PT.Kontak Perkasa Futures, Updated at: 8:52 AM

Pelemahan Yen & Rebound Dalam Saham AS Angkat Saham Asia

pt. kpf jogja
PT.KPF Jogja - Saham-saham Asia menguat pagi ini, menyusul rebound dalam bursa saham AS, setelah penurunan pertama yen dalam tujuh hari didukung para eksportir Jepang. Saham material dan kesehatan memimpin kenaikan dalam indeks.

Indeks MSCI Asia Pacific naik 0,2% ke level 152,57 pada pukul 09:01 pagi di Tokyo. Kemarin, indeks tersebut melemah 0,9%, yang terbesar dalam hampir sebulan, setelah pembatasan China dalam perdagangan spekulatif sebanding dengan pemangkasan terbesar oleh bank sentral untuk persyaratan cadangan sejak tahun 2008. Ekuitas berjangka China mengarah ke rebound pada hari Selasa, dengan kontrak pada Indeks Hang Seng China Enterprises untuk saham mainland di Hong Kong naik 0,9%.

Indeks Topix Jepang menguat 0,4% setelah pada Senin kemarin yen melemah 0,2%. Indeks Kospi Korea Selatan naik 0,3%. Indeks S&P/ASX 200 Australia dan Indeks NZX 50 Selandia Baru naik 0,2%.
Indeks Standard & Poor 500 naik 0,9% kemarin, rebound dari penurunan terburuk dalam tiga minggu terakhir setelah IBM Corp. memimpin reli dalam saham teknologi. E-mini futures pada indeks ekuitas naik 0,1% pada hari Selasa.

Presiden Federal Reserve Bank of New York, William C. Dudley mengatakan ia relatif optimis rebound pertumbuhan akan menjamin menaikkan suku bunga pada tahun 2015, meskipun dia 'tidak cukup percaya diri sekarang' bahwa inflasi akan naik.

Para otoritas The Fed pada bulan lalu terbagi mengenai apakah mereka akan menaikkan suku bunga pada bulan Juni atau tidak, perdebatan yang terjadi sebelum rilis angka payroll yang mengecewakan untuk bulan Maret, menurut risalah dari pertemuan kebijakan terbaru mereka.(frk)

Sumber: Bloomberg
pt. kontak perkasa futures yogyakarta

Written by: Kontak Perkasa Futures
PT.Kontak Perkasa Futures, Updated at: 8:44 AM

Anjloknya Saham China Antarkan Bursa Hong Kong Ditutup Melemah 2%

pt. kpf jogja
PT. KPF Jogja - Bursa Saham Hong Kong ditutup melemah tajam sekaligus penurunan tercuram dalam kurun waktu 4 bulan terakhir, penurunan pada Senin sore ini akibat pelemahan Bursa Shanghai, meskipun Bank Sentral China memangkas cadangan kas perbankan guna meredam perlambatan perekonomian.

Sabtu lalu PBOC (People Bank of China) memangkas cadangan kas perbankan dalam jumlah yang tajam sejak krisis keuangan global.

Bursa Saham Hong Kong dibuka menguat, akan tetapi melemah pada sore hari, mengikuti penurunan Saham China yang terbebani oleh kecemasan peraturan yang tegas terkait margin keuangan yang ilegal.
Indeks Hang Seng melemah 2.0% ke level 27,094.93 yang sekaligus penurunan harian tertajamnya sejak Desember, 2014 silam.

Indeks China Enterprises turun 2.9% ke level 14,111.34 poin. Penurunan tersebut pelemahan tertajam dalam 3 bulan terakhir.

Adapun saham-saham yang aktif di Bursa Hong Kong yaitu Ping Shan Tea menguat 5.4% ke level HK$0.06 dan China Jinhai menguat 40.3% ke level HK$1.01.

Total volume perdagangan saham perusahaan yang ada pada Indeks HSI sebesar 3.2 miliar saham. (bgs)
Sumber : Reuters
pt. kontak perkasa futures
Written by: Kontak Perkasa Futures
PT.Kontak Perkasa Futures, Updated at: 8:38 AM

Microsoft Consider Recruit Workers With Autism

Written By Kontak Perkasa Futures on Friday, April 10, 2015 | 12:01 AM

KPF Yogya - Microsoft says it wants to hire more people with autism in a full-time position.
US technology company that began offering 10 positions with a pilot scheme at Microsoft headquarters in Redmond.

Senior Executive Mary Ellen Smith said, "People with autism brings the power we need at Microsoft."
British foundation that helps people with autism, the National Autistic Society, welcomed the move but said that other companies should do more to hone the skills of people with autism.

"Simple adjustments, such as making it easier for job interview accessible to people with autism and provide support to assist them in understanding the 'unwritten rule' in the workplace can unlock the potential of all parts of society," said Sarah Lambert of the National Autistic Society.

Meanwhile, in a statement announcing the new policy Microsoft, Smith said, "Every individual is different, some have a remarkable ability to store information, thinking with great detail and depth, or excel in math or creating computer code."

Recruitment specialist company, Specialisterne, will help run the new recruitment scheme.
Specialisterne which operates in Denmark and the UK, in collaboration with several IT companies and other sectors to promote the skills of people with autism to a specific vacancy.
Currently only 15% of adults with autism in the UK have a full time job.
Source: BBC Indonesia

pt. kontak perkasa futures yogyakarta
Written by: Kontak Perkasa Futures
PT.Kontak Perkasa Futures, Updated at: 12:01 AM

Penguatan Bursa Jepang Di Sesi Pembukaan Dibayangi Hasil Pertemuan The Fed

Written By Kontak Perkasa Futures on Thursday, April 9, 2015 | 11:06 AM

kpf yogya
KPF Yogya - Bursa Saham Jepang dibuka menguat pada hari ke-3 setelah rilis hasil pertemuan Federal Reserve dari pertemuan terakhirnya menunjukkan bahwa Bank Sentral AS tersebut terpecah terkait waktu kenaikan suku bunga AS.

Indeks Topix menguat 0.3% ke level 1,592.55 pukul 9:01 pagi ini waktu Tokyo, dengan 27 dari 33 grup industri mencatatkan kenaikan. Sementara Indeks Nikkei 225 Stock Average menguat 0.3% ke level 19,850.30.

Hasil pertemuan The Fed menunjukkan mereka terpecah terkait waktu untuk menaikkan suku bunga yang rencana akan dilakukan pada Juni mendatang atau di tahun 2016. Pertemuan tersebut diselenggarakan menjelang rilis data payroll yang menunjukkan penurunan tajam dari perkiraan sebelumnya.

Sementara dolar reli setelah rilis hasil pertemuan The Fed yang kemarin sempat menghapus gain terhadap yen setelah BOJ (Bank of Japan) mempertahankan rekor stimulus. Sedangkan yen diperdagangkan di level 120.12 per dolar. (bgs)
Sumber : Bloomberg

pt. kontak perkasa futures yogyakarta
Written by: Kontak Perkasa Futures
PT.Kontak Perkasa Futures, Updated at: 11:06 AM

Saham China Menguat Terkait Indeks Shanghai Composite Dekati Level 4.000

Written By Kontak Perkasa Futures on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 | 1:35 PM

kpf yogya
KPF Yogya - Saham China naik pada hari kelima, mengirim Indeks Shanghai Composite menuju level 4.000 untuk pertama kalinya sejak tahun 2008 silam.
Perusahaan pembuat minuman keras Kweichow Moutai Co dan Chongqing Brewery Co memimpin kenaikan di antara perusahaan konsumen terhadap perubahan dalam perekonomian China dengan kenaikan lebih dari 4 %. Saham Trainmakers China CNR Corp dan CSR Corp melonjak sebesar 10 % batas harian untuk hari kedua setelah pemerintah menyetujui merger mereka.
Indeks Shanghai Composite naik 0,2 % ke level 3,968.31 pada pukul 10:09 pagi waktu setempat, setelah sebelumnya naik ke level 3,990.48 untuk mengirim kenaikan sebesar 100 % dari tahun lalu ke level terendahnya pada bulan Januari. Indeks CSI 300 naik 0,6 % pada hari ini, sementara Indeks Hang Seng China Enterprises menguat 3,6 % setelah pasar saham Hong Kong kembali diperdagangkan setelah liburan selama 3 hari.
China akan mulai merilis data ekonomi bulan Maret pada 10 April mendatang, dimulai dengan inflasi. Indeks Harga konsumen kemungkinan naik 1,3 %, melambat dari kenaikan bulan Februari sebesar 1,4 %, sedangkan harga produsen mungkin telah menurun 4,8 %, tidak berubah dari bulan sebelumnya, menurut perkiraan rata-rata yang disurvei oleh Bloomberg. (knc)
Sumber : Bloomberg

pt. kontak perkasa futures Yogya
Written by: Kontak Perkasa Futures
PT.Kontak Perkasa Futures, Updated at: 1:35 PM

Japanese Stocks Rise for Second Day This Week as Developers Gain

Written By Kontak Perkasa Futures on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 | 9:42 AM

KPF Jogja - Japanese stocks rose for a second day this week as real-estate shares and precision instrument makers led gains.

The Topix index added 0.3 percent to 1,591.92 as of 9:03 a.m. in Tokyo, with three stocks rising for every two that fell. The Nikkei 225 Stock Average advanced 0.3 percent to 19,773.97.
The Topix’s relative strength index was at 75 on Tuesday, above the 70 level some traders say indicates shares have risen too fast and are poised to drop.

E-mini futures on the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index were little changed after the underlying equity measure lost 0.6 percent on Tuesday in New York as a report on consumer prices showed signs inflation is picking up.

The cost of living in the U.S., excluding food and fuel, rose 0.2 percent in February, the first gain in four months, as fuel costs stabilized. Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen signaled last week that the central bank is in no hurry to raise interest rates after policy makers dropped a pledge to be patient on tightening monetary policy.
Source : Bloomberg

PT. Kontak Perkasa Futures Yogyakarta
Written by: Kontak Perkasa Futures
PT.Kontak Perkasa Futures, Updated at: 9:42 AM

China’s Influence Set to Climb as U.S. Thwarted on New Bank

KPF Jogja - Seven decades after the end of World War II, the international economic architecture crafted by the U.S. faces its biggest shakeup yet, with China establishing new channels for influence to match its ambitions.

Three lending institutions with at least $190 billion are taking shape under China’s leadership, one of them informally referred to as a Marshall Plan -- evoking the postwar U.S. program to rebuild an impoverished Europe. Also this year, China’s yuan may win the IMF’s blessing as an official reserve currency, a recognition of its rising use in trade and finance.

China’s clout has been expanding for decades, as its rapid growth allowed it to snap up a rising share of the world’s resources, its exports penetrated global markets, and its bulging financial assets gave it power to make big individual loans and purchases. Now, the creation of international lending institutions is leveraging that economic influence closer to the political and diplomatic arenas, as U.S. allies defy America to back China’s initiative.

“This is the beginning of a bigger role for China in global affairs,” said Jim O’Neill, U.K.-based former chief economist at Goldman Sachs Group Inc., who coined the term BRICs in 2001 to highlight the rising economic power of Brazil, Russia, India and China.
Sumber: Blommberg

PT. Kontak Perkasa Futures Yogyakarta
Written by: Kontak Perkasa Futures
PT.Kontak Perkasa Futures, Updated at: 9:40 AM

Dollar Holds Climb With Gold on CPI; Japan Futures Drop

KPF Jogja - Asian stocks climbed, while the dollar regained some momentum on signs U.S. inflation is perking up. Gold was near a more than two-week high and bonds advanced.

The MSCI Asia Pacific Index added 0.2 percent by 9:56 a.m. in Tokyo, rising for the sixth time in seven days as Japan’s Topix index also climbed 0.2 percent. Standard & Poor’s 500 Index futures were little changed after a second day of declines in the U.S. gauge. The Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index was up 0.1 percent as the greenback held its rebound against the euro and gained 0.2 percent versus New Zealand’s currency. Gold held its five-day rally and Australian debt climbed. U.S. oil was at $47.56 a barrel before an update on U.S. crude supplies.

The cost of living in the U.S. climbed 0.2 percent in February from the previous month as fuel costs stabilized. The data came almost a week after the Federal Reserve said it’s looking for inflation to accelerate as officials weigh the timing of their first interest-rate increase since 2006. Australia’s central bank issues its financial stability report Wednesday, and Germany’s Ifo Institute business climate index is due. Data on durable goods orders is scheduled in the U.S.

“Traders love a good pullback and as soon as the dollar looks like it’s setting up to resume its bullish trend currency traders will flood the market with trades,” Scott Schuberg, chief executive officer of Rivkin Securities Ltd. in Sydney, said in an e-mail. “We could see continued volatility in foreign-exchange markets.”

The dollar index, which tracks the greenback against 10 major peers, rose for a second day after sliding 2.2 percent last week as the Fed indicated it will raise rates at a slower pace than previously estimated.
Sumber: Bloomberg

PT. Kontak Perkasa Futures Yogyakarta
Written by: Kontak Perkasa Futures
PT.Kontak Perkasa Futures, Updated at: 9:35 AM

Asia stocks firm amid conflicting signals, dollar holds gains

KPF Jogja - Asian stocks were steady on Wednesday, caught between conflicting signals from lower Wall Street and higher euro zone shares, while the dollar held to modest gains after a rise in U.S. consumer inflation.

MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan .MIAPJ0000PUS stood little changed after a small bounce the previous day. South Korean and Australian shares were effectively flat while Japan's Nikkei .N225 inched up 0.2 percent.

The Dow .DJI and S&P .SPX both shed 0.6 percent overnight as U.S. equities maintained a loose inverse correlation with the dollar. The strength of the greenback, which earlier in the month soared to multi-year highs against its peers, has become a concern due to its potential negative impact on U.S. corporate earnings.

European stocks, on the other hand, held near record highs the previous day on stronger-than-expected euro zone manufacturing data. The European Central Bank's extensive quantitative easing policy has been a boon to European shares.

The euro was little changed at $1.0912 EUR= after slipping from an overnight peak of $1.1029 briefly reached on the upbeat euro zone data. The common currency has steadily recovered from a 12-year low of $1.0457 hit last week after a dovish-sounding Federal Reserve dimmed prospects for an earlier interest rate hike and blunted the dollar's advance.

The dollar was steady at 119.75 yen JPY= following an overnight bounce from a low of 119.22. A decline in U.S. Treasury yields limited the dollar's gains.

The U.S. currency was still some distance from an eight-year peak of 122.04 scaled two weeks ago when expectations for an earlier Fed rate hike were stronger.

The yield on benchmark 10-year Treasury notes US10YT=RR slipped to a six-week low overnight thanks to a weaker Wall Street, with the debt market brushing aside a 0.2 percent rise in U.S. February consumer price index. ECONUS

The drop by the 10-year Treasury yield is an indication "that while equities are pricing in Fed tightening, bond traders are not concerned about rising rates," Kathy Lien, managing director for FX strategy at BK Asset Management wrote in a note to clients.

In commodities, Brent crude oil was firm after falling the previous day on the dollar's strength and persisting fears of global oversupply. [O/R]
Brent crude LCOc1 stood little changed at $55.12 a barrel.
Sumber: Reuters

PT. Kontak Perkasa Futures Yogyakarta
Written by: Kontak Perkasa Futures
PT.Kontak Perkasa Futures, Updated at: 9:33 AM

China’s Stock-Index Futures Drop After Longest Rally Since 1992

KPF Jogja - China’s stock-index futures retreated after the benchmark gauge had its longest winning streak since 1992.

Futures on the CSI 300 Index expiring in April, the most active contract, lost 0.3 percent to 3,961.40 as of 9:16 a.m. local time. Agricultural Bank of China Ltd. may move after posting an unexpected decline in fourth-quarter earnings. China Life Insurance Co., the nation’s biggest insurer, may advance after saying profit rose 30 percent last year.

The Shanghai Composite Index climbed 0.1 percent to 3,691.41 for a 10th day of gains on Tuesday. The winning streak was the longest since a 14-day stretch in May 1992. The CSI 300 Index rose less than 0.1 percent. Combined turnover in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges jumped to an all-time high on Tuesday, while new account openings surged to a record 1.14 million last week.

Hong Kong’s Hang Seng China Enterprises Index fell 1.4 percent, while the Hang Seng Index lost 0.4 percent. The Bloomberg China-US Equity Index, the measure of the most-traded U.S.-listed Chinese companies, added 0.2 percent for a seventh day of gains in New York on Tuesday.

The Shanghai Composite has gained 14 percent this year, extending last year’s 53 percent advance, amid speculation the government will add to two cuts in interest rates and one reduction in lenders’ reserve-requirement ratios since November to shore up growth.
Source: Bloomberg

PT. Kontak Perkasa Futures Yogyakarta
Written by: Kontak Perkasa Futures
PT.Kontak Perkasa Futures, Updated at: 9:32 AM

Kinerja Saham Material Angkat Saham Asia

KPF Jogja - Saham Asia menguat, dengan indeks acuan regional rebound Selasa kemarin menuju level tertinggi dalam enam bulan terakhir, karena saham produsen barang rumah tangga dan saham material memimpin kenaikan.

Indeks MSCI Asia Pacific naik 0,2 % ke level 148,98 pukul 09:03 pagi di Tokyo. Indeks tersebut naik 7,8 % tahun ini sampai Selasa kemarin, sehingga mendorong valuasi estimasi laba sebesar 15 kali, merupakan level tertinggi sejak Mei 2010 lalu, dibandingkan dengan 17,7 kali untuk Indeks Standard & Poor 500.

Indeks Topix Jepang naik 0,3 %. Indeks S&P/ASX 200 Australia naik 0,2 %. Sedangkan Indeks NZX 50 Selandia Baru melemah 0,1 %. Sementara pasar saham di China dan Hong Kong belum dibuka.

Indeks Kospi Korea Selatan stagnan. Sementara pertumbuhan ekonomi negara tersebut pada kuartal keempat direvisi turun menjadi 0,3 % dari tiga bulan sebelumnya, dibandingkan dengan perkiraan sebelumnya sebesar 0,4 %.

Indeks Shanghai Composite naik 0,1 % pada Selasa kemarin, sehingga menghapus penurunan sebesar 2,4 % dan membatasi kenaikan selama 10-hari, merupakan kenaikan beruntun terpanjang dalam hampir 23 tahun terakhir. (vck)
Sumber: Bloomberg

PT. Kontak Perkasa Futures Yogyakarta
Written by: Kontak Perkasa Futures
PT.Kontak Perkasa Futures, Updated at: 9:30 AM

Dollar Holds Drop After Fischer Talks Rates; Copper Futures Jump

Written By Kontak Perkasa Futures on Tuesday, March 24, 2015 | 8:48 AM

kpf jogja
KPF Jogja - The dollar maintained declines amid speculation the Federal Reserve won’t be in a hurry to raise interest rates. Most Asian stocks fell after a retreat in the U.S., while copper gained before Chinese factory data.

The greenback was at $1.0949 per euro by 9:12 a.m. in Tokyo, after sliding more than 1 percent against the 19-nation currency on each of the past two trading days. The South Korean won and Malaysian ringgit climbed at least 0.6 percent. More shares fell than rose in the MSCI Asia Pacific Index as Japan’s Topix gauge lost 0.3 percent. U.S. equity futures were little changed after benchmark indexes retreated Monday. Copper futures jumped 2.9 percent in New York, climbing for a fourth day.

San Francisco Fed President John Williams speaks to economists in Sydney Tuesday after Stanley Fischer, the U.S. central bank’s vice chairman, said there won’t be a “smooth upward path” for rates, even with the first increase potentially warranted by late 2015. The prospect of a slower-than-estimated pace of tightening has knocked the dollar from a decade high. In Asia, gauges of March manufacturing are due for China and Japan, and Vietnam reports on inflation.

Source : Bloomberg
Written by: Kontak Perkasa Futures
PT.Kontak Perkasa Futures, Updated at: 8:48 AM

Oil Holds Gains Near Week High Before Chinese Manufacturing Data

kpf jogja
KPF Jogja - Oil held gains near the highest price in more than a week before data that may signal the strength of China’s economy, the world’s second-largest crude consumer.
Futures were little changed in New York after rising 1.9 percent on Monday. An index of China’s manufacturing output was forecast at 50.5 in March, down from 50.7 in February, a Bloomberg News survey showed before a preliminary reading from HSBC Holdings Plc. U.S. crude stockpiles probably increased further from a record high last week, according to a separate Bloomberg poll before government data on Wednesday.

Oil has fallen 12 percent from this year’s peak in February as U.S. crude inventories and production surged to the highest level in more than three decades. Saudi Arabia, which led a decision in November by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to resist calls to cut output, is pumping near a record level, its petroleum minister said on Sunday.

West Texas Intermediate for May delivery was at $47.18 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange, down 27 cents, at 12 p.m. Sydney time. The contract advanced 88 cents to $47.45 on Monday. Total volume was about 74 percent below the 100-day average. Prices have decreased 11 percent this year.

Source: Bloomberg
Written by: Kontak Perkasa Futures
PT.Kontak Perkasa Futures, Updated at: 8:44 AM

Dollar Holds Losses as Investors Await Fed Speeches for Clues

Written By Kontak Perkasa Futures on Monday, March 23, 2015 | 9:46 AM

KPF Jogja - The dollar held losses against the euro and the yen as investors look to speeches by Federal Reserve officials for clues on monetary policy.

A gauge of the greenback against major peers dropped the most since October 2011 last week as banks including HSBC Holdings Plc said the currency’s surge since August is coming to an end. Officials scheduled to speak on Monday include Cleveland Fed President Loretta Mester, a non-voting member, and San Francisco Fed President John Williams, who does vote on policy.

The dollar traded at $1.0832 against the euro at 8:46 a.m. in Tokyo from $1.0821 Friday, after slumping 3 percent last week. It was little changed at 120.03 yen after sliding 0.6 percent on Friday.

The Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index fell 0.1 percent to 1,194.12, after tumbling 2.2 percent last week.
Hedge funds trimmed their bullish dollar futures positions to the least since December, according to Commodity Futures Trading Commission data. Net futures position betting on a stronger greenback versus eight major peers in this category reached a record 448,675 contracts in January.

Source : Bloomberg
Written by: Kontak Perkasa Futures
PT.Kontak Perkasa Futures, Updated at: 9:46 AM

Indeks Saham Berjangka China Menguat Pasca Kenaikan Mingguan Kedua

KPF Jogja - Indeks saham berjangka China catat penguatan setelah indeks acuan Shanghai diperdagangkan pada level tertinggi sejak 2008 lalu.

Kontrak berjangka pada Indeks CSI 300 yang berakhir pada bulan April, merupakan kontrak paling aktif, naik 1,5 % ke level 3.959 pada  pukul 9:20 pagi waktu setempat. Saham China Petroleum & Chemical Corp, yang dikenal sebagai Sinopec, mungkin aktif setelah membukukan laba tahunan terendahnya sejak 2008 lalu. Saham China Coal Energy Co. dapat bergerak setelah laba bersih sesuai perkiraan. Gemdale Corp mungkin aktif setelah membukukan keuntungan yang lebih baik dari yang diharapkan.

Indeks Shanghai Composite naik 1 % ke level 3,617.32 pada hari Jumat. Indeks CSI 300 naik 1,4 %. Sementara Indeks Hang Seng China Enterprises Hong Kong naik 0,3 % dan indeks Hang Seng melemah 0,4 persen. Indeks Ekuitas Bloomberg China-AS, naik 1,9 % di New York.

Nilai perdagangan gabungan di bursa saham Shanghai dan Shenzhen melampaui 1 triliun yuan ($ 161.4 miliar) untuk hari keempat pada hari Jumat, menurut data yang dikumpulkan oleh Bloomberg.
Pedagang Margin meningkatkan kepemilikan saham yang dibeli dengan uang pinjaman untuk hari keempat pada hari Jumat lalu, dengan saldo utang marjin di Bursa Efek Shanghai naik 1,7 % ke rekornya senilai 927 miliar yuan. (vck)

Sumber: Bloomberg
Written by: Kontak Perkasa Futures
PT.Kontak Perkasa Futures, Updated at: 9:42 AM
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